Date Event Results Event Photos
12/14/2024 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results Saturday]
[Sunday Results]
11/30/2024 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results Saturday]
[Sunday Results]
10/25/2024 American Farriers [Results Saturday]
10/19/2024 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Sunday Results]
09/18/2024 Summer Series Wednesday Night Barrel Race [Results]
[Standings Final]
[Rules and Tie Breakers]
09/06/2024 Barrel Blitz [Friday and Saturday Results]
[Match Race Team 1st Go]
[Match race Final]
[Match 2nd Go]
[Full Results]
08/28/2024 Summer Series Wednesday Night Barrel Race [Results]
08/07/2024 Summer Series Wednesday Night Barrel Race [Results]
07/26/2024 IBRA Pre Show State Finals [Full Results]
07/17/2024 Summer Series Wednesday Night Barrel Race [Results]
06/26/2024 Summer Series Wednesday Night Barrel Race [Results]
[Master Standings]
[Adult Standings]
[Youth Standings]
[Pole Standings]
06/12/2024 Summer Series Wednesday Night Barrel Race [Results]
05/27/2024 Boot's, Bit's & Spurs Invitational Barrel Race [Full Results]
05/11/2024 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Standings]
[Full Results]
04/13/2024 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results Saturday]
[Sunday Results]
[Sunday Results]
03/30/2024 Top Hand Challenge [Results]
[Go Round Winners]
03/16/2024 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Saturday Results]
[Sunday Results]
02/17/2024 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
12/09/2023 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
11/25/2023 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results Saturday]
[Sunday Results]
10/14/2023 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
09/08/2023 Barrel Blitz [Match Race Team 1st Go]
[Match Clean Runs 2nd go]
[Average Match Clean Runs]
[Full Open Classes results]
08/09/2023 NBHA Barrel Race [Results]
07/28/2023 IBRA State Finals & Pre Show [Full Results]
[Sunday Finals Champions]
[Year End Champions]
06/14/2023 Jackpot Barrel Race [Results]
05/29/2023 Boot's, Bit's & Spurs Invitational Barrel Race [Results]
05/13/2023 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Standings]
[New Season Standings]
04/22/2023 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
03/11/2023 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
02/11/2023 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
12/10/2022 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
11/26/2022 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
10/15/2022 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
09/09/2022 Barrel Blitz [Results]
07/29/2022 IBRA State Finals [Results]
05/30/2022 Boot's, Bit's & Spurs Invitational [Results]
05/07/2022 Barrel Race & Pole Bending NBHA, IBRA, WPRA [Results Saturday]
[Results Sunday]
04/24/2022 Midwest Horse Fair Top Hand & Breakaway Roping [Results]
04/16/2022 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results Saturday]
[Results Sunday]
03/26/2022 Top Hand Showdown Qualifier [Results]
03/12/2022 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
02/12/2022 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
12/11/2021 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Full Results]
11/27/2021 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Full Results]
10/23/2021 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
05/31/2021 Boot's, Bit's & Spurs Invitational [Results]
05/07/2021 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Standings]
[Year End Champions]
04/17/2021 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
04/10/2021 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
03/13/2021 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
02/20/2021 Barrel Race & Pole Bending [Results]
10/17/2020 October Winter Series Barrel Time Slotted [Results]
05/25/2020 Boot's, Bit's & Spurs Invitational [Results]
03/14/2020 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
02/15/2020 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
12/14/2019 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
10/12/2019 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
09/06/2019 Barrel Blitz [Results]
[Match Race 1st Go]
[Match Race 2nd Go]
[Match Race Average]
06/12/2019 Wednesday Night Barrel Race [Results]
05/27/2019 Boot's Bit's & Spurs Invitational Barrel Race [Results]
04/20/2019 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
02/16/2019 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standings]
12/15/2018 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
11/24/2018 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
10/13/2018 Barrel Racing &Pole Bending [Results]
09/07/2018 Barrel Blitz [Results]
05/28/2018 Boot's, Bit's & Spurs Invitational [Results]
05/11/2018 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
04/14/2018 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
03/17/2018 Barrel Racing & Pole bending [Results]
02/17/2018 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standings]
12/16/2017 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Standings]
[weekend results]
11/25/2017 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Full Results]
10/14/2017 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Full Results]
09/08/2017 Barrel Blitz [Full Blitz Results]
[Match Race 1st Go]
[Match Race 2nd Go]
[Match Average]
05/29/2017 Boot's, Bit's & Spurs Invitational [Results]
05/13/2017 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standing ]
[Full Results]
04/15/2017 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Full Results]
[Standings thru April]
03/18/2017 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Full Results]
[Standings thru March]
02/18/2017 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Full Results]
[Standings Thru February]
02/05/2017 Pam Bound Barrel Racing & Horsemanship Clinic [Full Results]
01/21/2017 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Saturday Results]
[Standings thru January]
11/26/2016 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Full Results]
[Current Standings Thru November]
10/15/2016 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Saturday Results]
09/09/2016 Barrel Blitz [Full Results]
[Match Race 1st go]
[Match Race 2nd Go]
[Match Average Final Results]
07/29/2016 IBRA Pre Show & State Finals [Full Results]
[Year End Champions]
05/30/2016 Boot's, Bit's & Spurs Invitational Barrel Race [full Results]
04/23/2016 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Weekend Results]
[Current Standings]
03/19/2016 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Current Standings]
[Weekend Results]
02/20/2016 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Weekend Results]
[Standings Thru February]
12/19/2015 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [standings]
12/13/2015 Open Fun Horse Show [standings]
11/28/2015 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [results]
10/26/2015 Sharon Camarillo Classic 2015 [results classic]
10/17/2015 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [results]
09/11/2015 22nd Annual Barrel Blitz [results]
[Match Race 1st Go]
[Match Race 2nd Go]
[Match Race Average]
08/06/2015 NBHA & UBRA Barrel Race [results]
07/02/2015 NBHA & UBRA Barrel Race [results]
03/14/2015 Barel Racing and Pole Bending Series [Weekend Result]
12/20/2014 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results_1379.pdf]
11/29/2014 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
10/11/2014 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [October Results]
09/07/2014 Barrel Blitz 21st Annual [Friday Results]
[Saturday Sunday Results]
[Match Race 1st go]
[Match Race 2nd Go]
[Match Race Average]
[Match Race side pot 1st go]
[Match Race Side Pot 2nd go]
09/05/2014 Barrel Blitz 21st Annual [Friday results]
[Sat and Sun Results]
[Match Race 1st go]
[Match Race 2nd go]
[Match Race Average]
[Match Side pot 1st go]
[Match Side pot 2nd go]
08/07/2014 NBHA Thursday Night Barrel Race [Results]
03/16/2014 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
03/15/2014 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
12/29/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [All Results]
12/28/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [all results]
12/01/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [All results]
11/30/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [All Results]
10/20/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [results]
[Standings current]
10/19/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Results]
[Standings Current]
09/08/2013 Barrel Blitz [Barrel Results]
[Match Race Saturday]
[Match Results Sunday]
[Match Sunday]
09/07/2013 Barrel Blitz [Results]
[Match Saturday ]
[Match Sunday]
[Match Finals ]
09/06/2013 Barrel Blitz [Blitz Results]
07/28/2013 IBRA State Barrel Racing Finals [All results]
07/27/2013 IBRA State Barrel Racing Finals [all results]
05/27/2013 Boot's, Bit's & Spurs Invitational [All Results]
05/12/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Finals Results]
05/11/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Finals Results]
05/04/2013 IBRA Jackpot [Results_1309.pdf]
04/21/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Results]
[Current Standings]
04/20/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Results]
[Current Standings]
03/17/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Jr Poles Sat]
[2D Poles Sat]
[IBRA Open Sat]
[Sr IBRA Sat]
[Jr IBRA Sat]
[2nd 4D Sat]
03/16/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Jr Poles Sunday]
[2D Poles Sunday]
[IBRA Open Sunday]
[Sr IBRA Sunday]
[Jr IBRA Sunday]
[2nd 4D Sunday]
02/17/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Jr Poles Sat]
[Jr Poles Sunday]
[2D Poles Sat]
[2D Poles Sunday]
[IBRA Open Sat]
[IBRA Open Sunday]
[Sr IBRA Sat]
[Sr IBRA Sunday]
[Jr IBRA Sat]
[Jr IBRA Sunday]
[2nd 4D Sat]
[2nd 4D Sunday]
[Current Standings]
02/16/2013 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Jr Poles Sat]
[Jr Poles Sunday]
[2D Poles Sat]
[2D Poles Sunday]
[IBRA Open Sat]
[IBRA Open Sunday]
[Sr IBRA Sat]
[Sr IBRA Sunday]
[Jr IBRA Sat]
[Jr IBRA Sunday]
[2nd 4D Sat]
[2nd 4D Sunday]
[Current Standings]
12/30/2012 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending Series [December Results]
[Current Standings]
12/29/2012 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending Series [December Results]
[Current Standings]
11/25/2012 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending Series [results]
11/24/2012 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending Series [Results]
10/21/2012 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending Series [Results]
[Current Standings]
10/20/2012 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Current Standings]
10/05/2012 Sharon Camarillo EasternClassic [Results]
09/09/2012 Barrel Blitz [Class Results]
[Match Race Sat]
[Match Race 2nd Go]
[Match Rave Average]
[Match Side Pot 1st Go]
[Match Side Pot 2nd Go Go]
09/08/2012 Barrel Blitz [Class results]
[Match 1st Go]
[Match Race 2nd Go]
[Match Race Average]
[Match Side Pot 1st Go]
[Match Side Pot 2nd Go ]
09/07/2012 Barrel Blitz [Class results]
[Match 1st Go]
[Match Race 2nd Go]
[Match Race Average]
[Match Side Pot 1st Go]
[Match Side Pot 2nd Go ]
06/14/2012 NBHA Barrels [Results]
05/28/2012 Boot's Bit's & Spurs Barrel Racing Invitational [All Results]
05/13/2012 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [results]
05/12/2012 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
04/22/2012 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
04/21/2012 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
03/18/2012 Barrel Racing & Poke Bending [Standings]
03/17/2012 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standings]
02/19/2012 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
02/18/2012 Barrel Racing and Pole Bending [Results]
01/01/2012 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [results]
12/31/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [results]
11/27/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results pdf]
11/26/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
10/23/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results PDF]
[Results excel]
10/22/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results PDF]
[Results Excel]
09/30/2011 Sharon Camarillo Eastern Classic [results 2011]
09/11/2011 Barrel Blitz [Match Race Saturday]
[Match Race Sunday]
[Match Final Average]
[Class results in excel]
[classes in PDF]
09/10/2011 Barrel Blitz [Match Race Saturday]
[Match Race Sunday]
[Match Final Average]
[Class results in excel]
[classes in pdf]
09/09/2011 Barrel Blitz [Match Race Sunday]
[Match Race Final Average]
[Match Race Saturday]
[Class results in excel]
[classes in pdf]
08/11/2011 Jackpot NBHA & BBR Barrel Race [NBHA Open]
[NBHA Youth]
[BBR Open]
07/07/2011 Jackpot NBHA & BBR Barrel Race [NBHA OPEN]
06/23/2011 Jackpot NBHA & BBR Barrel Race [results]
06/12/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Series Champions]
[show results]
06/11/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [results]
05/30/2011 Boots, Bits and Spurs Barrel Invitational [all results]
04/24/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Results]
[results excel]
[standings excel]
03/20/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standings in excel]
[standings in pdf]
[results excel]
[results pdf]
03/19/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [standings in excel]
[Standings PDF]
[results excel]
[results PDF]
02/20/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standings]
02/19/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standings]
01/02/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standings]
[Results January Show]
01/01/2011 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standings]
[Results for January Show]
11/28/2010 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Series [Results for November]
[Results in PDF]
[Standings in excel]
[standings in pdf]
11/27/2010 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending [Standings in pdf]
[standings in excel]
[November results excel]
[November results pdf]
10/17/2010 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Series [Results Excel]
[PDF Results]
10/16/2010 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Series [results excel]
[pdf Results]
09/12/2010 Barrel Blitz [all results]
[Results PDF]
[Match Race excel]
09/11/2010 Barrel Blitz [all results]
[Results PDF]
09/10/2010 Barrel Blitz [all results]
[PDF Results]
07/08/2010 NBHA & BBR Barrel Race [Results_1128.xls]
06/13/2010 Pole Bending & Barrel Racing Season Finale [excel Results]
[Results in PDF]
[Year End Champions]
06/12/2010 Pole Bending & Barrel Racing Season Finale [results in excel]
[Results PDF]
[Series Champions]
05/31/2010 Boots, Bits & Spurs Invitational Barrel Race [Results PDF]
[results Excel]
04/18/2010 Pole Bending & Barrel Racing Series [Results]
[Standings thru April]
03/21/2010 Pole Bending & Barrel Racing Series [March results]
[Standings After March]
03/20/2010 Pole Bending & Barrel Racing Series [March Results]
[Standings After March]
02/21/2010 Pole Bending & Barrel Racing Series [results]
02/20/2010 Pole Bending & Barrel Racing Series [results]
12/20/2009 Series Pole Bending & Barrel Racing [All Results]
12/19/2009 Series Pole Bending & Barrel Racing [Results]
11/29/2009 Series Pole Bending & Barrel Racing [November Results]
11/28/2009 Series Pole Bending & Barrel Racing [November Results]
10/25/2009 Series Pole Bending & Barrel Racing [All Results]
10/24/2009 Series Pole Bending & Barrel Racing [All Results]
09/13/2009 Barrel Blitz [All results]
[Match Race Results]
09/12/2009 Barrel Blitz [All Results]
[Match Race Results]
09/11/2009 Barrel Bltiz [All Results]
[Match Race Results]
05/31/2009 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Winter Series Finale [Final Point Standings]
[All Class results from May 30th & 31st]
05/25/2009 Boots, Bits and Spurs Barrel Racing Invitational [all Results]
04/12/2009 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Winter Series [2D & Jr Pole Bending Standings]
[BBR Top Hand Barrel Standings]
[2nd 4D Barrel Standings by Laser Impressions]
[Jr Barrel Standings By Coyotes]
03/22/2009 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Winter Series [2d Pole Standings]
[Jr Pole Standings]
[2nd 4D Laser Impression Standings]
[Coyotes Jr Barrel Standings]
[BBR Top Hand 4D Standings]
03/08/2009 Cowboy Mounted Shooting [Sunday Results]
03/07/2009 Cowboy Mounted Shooting [Saturday Results]
02/22/2009 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Winter Series [Jr Pole Standings]
[2D Poles]
[BBR Barrels By Top Hand]
[2nd 4D Laser Impression Barrels]
[Jr Barrels By Coyotes]
01/04/2009 Winter Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Series [BBR 1st 4D]
[2nd 4D Barrels]
[BBR 1st 4D Standings]
[2nd 4D Standings]
01/03/2009 Winter Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Series [BBR 4D Barrels]
[2nd 4D Barrels]
11/30/2008 Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Winter Series [1st 4D Standings]
[Jr Barrel Standings]
[Pole Bending Standings]
[2nd 4D Standings]
09/07/2008 15th Annual Barrel Blitz [BBr Barrels]
[Youth 4D Sunday]
[Match Race]
09/06/2008 15th Annual Barrel Blitz [BBR Barrels]
[Youth 4D Barrels]
[Match Race]
09/05/2008 15th Annual Barrel Blitz [BBR Barrels]
[Youth 4D]
[2nd 4D Barrels Friday]
06/01/2008 Winter Barrel Racing & Pole Bending Series Finale [Series Champions]
04/13/2008 Winter Barrel Racing and Pole Bending Series [Standings Thru April]
04/12/2008 Winter Barrel Racing and Pole Bending Series [Standings Thru April]
04/06/2008 Cowboy Mounted Shooting [Results_1029.xls]
04/05/2008 Cowboy Mounted Shooting [Results_1007.xls]
03/22/2008 Winter Barrel Racing and Pole Bending Series [Results_1006.xls]
03/16/2008 Cowboy Mounted Shooting [Results_1028.xls]
03/03/2008 Mounted Shooting Series Standings [Results_1042.xls]
03/02/2008 Cowboy Mounted Shooting [Results_1024.xls]
03/01/2008 Cowboy Mounted Shooting [Results_1004.xls]
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